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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 02/17/2009
Lenox Community Preservation Committee
February 17, 2009

Members present:  Roscoe Sandlin (RS), Chairman, Midge Sandlin (MS), Joe G. Strauch (JGS), James Jurney, Jr. (JJ), Jim Sorrentino (JS), Fred Keator (FK) and  Olga Weiss.  
Joseph Kellogg (JK) absent with notification and Scott Pignatelli (SP) absent.

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.   

RS opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.  

FK made a motion to approve the minutes with a second by OW.  Discussion ensued regarding minor corrections.  The minutes were approved unanimously with minor corrections.

RS said that this meeting is an opportunity to discuss the projects.  Last year the CPC ranked the projects.  RS suggested the CPC discuss each project.  

Lenox Housing Authority – Curtis Porch Restoration.  

Members agreed that the state should be responsible for maintaining this building; however, it is clear that the state provides limited resources to the Housing Authority.  The Housing Authority has provided a thoughtful and reasonable plan for the porch restoration work.  The town is fortunate to have such a responsible and dedicated housing authority.   The consensus is that this project should be funded.

Lenox Library Association – Reading Park

Members discussed the fact that CPA funds are being used for the next ten years to pay the debt service on the library purchase.  The library will receive $138,000 for this purpose in FY10.   Members questioned if it was fair to current or future project applicants to appropriate additional money to the library  

Members agreed there should be improvements made to the reading park but had many questions regarding this project.   Members questioned the overall $700,000 project price tag and felt it was a large amount for a fairly small project.  Members questioned the match for the project.  There is concern regarding the lack of private fundraising for this project.  Some questioned if it was fair to count money from the town capital budget as matching funds.  Finally, members are concerned that there is not a scaled-down back-up plan that can be constructed if the $700,000 is not raised in a timely manner.   The consensus is that this project should not be funded.

Historical Commission – Historic Plaques

JJ said that this is an important project for the Historical Commission.  He said that CPA funding is important because it sends a message that the town supports its historical commission.  The funding is important but the partnership is more important.  

Discussion ensued regarding the Community Coalition input on the topic of using CPA money to fund historic signs.  MA said that it varies from community to community.   The Town Counsel in Amherst suggested historic signs do not fit in the CPA guidelines.  However, the following communities have used CPA to fund historic sign programs:   Acton, Holliston, Newton, Rowley and Westport   At a minimum the Community Coalition recommends that the CPC review this activity with Town Counsel and that the Historical Commission provide a list of buildings that will receive a sign and that each of these buildings is considered an asset important to the history of Lenox.  

FK said that he does not support CPA funding for signs on private homes but suggested that it would be appropriate to fund signs for town buildings and buildings that house non-profit organizations.  JJ thanked FK for his proposal and suggested this would be a good solution.

The consensus is that the members support funding for historic signs for town and non-profit owned buildings.  JJ will work on preparing a list of buildings as soon as possible.

Ventfort Hall Association – Arboretum Brick Wall Restoration

RS stated that Ventfort Hall Association submitted a revised application that included detailed information about the brick wall it would like to restore with CPA funds.

There was considerable debate regarding the merits of allowing Ventfort Hall Association to modify their application.  All members agree that Ventfort Hall Association does a great job.   FK and JS questioned if $20,000 to restore a brick wall was the best use of CPA funds.  MS and OW noted that the wall needs to be done before the Association can install the greenhouses and this is a key component of the arboretum program.  JS and FK questioned if the town should get involved with this project and suggested that this money be saved because Ventfort Hall might have a bigger project in the future that would be a better use of CPA funds.  

Overall the members respect the Ventfort Hall Association.  Some favor full funding, others favor partial funding and others favor no funding.  At this point there is not a consensus on funding for this project.

Sawmill Brook Housing – CDC of South Berkshire

Members support this project because it provides new affordable housing opportunities.  There are general concerns regarding timing and the overall slow housing market.  JJ questioned the current national model for affordable housing.  He is concerned that there should be an exit strategy if the model for affordable housing changes.

There was discussion regarding the review process.  Members would like to have the Affordable Housing Committee involved in the review of the project.  

The consensus of the members is that this project should be funded in FY10.  It is clear that Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) funding is required.   CPA monies are a small part of the budget compared to the funding from DHCD.  It is very possible that the applicant  might not use the allocated  CPA money in FY10.  They should be required to re-apply for funding if they do not use the money in FY10.

Town of Lenox – Baczek Property Purchase

RS recused himself from the discussion.  FK served as Chairman.  

JGS said he supports the preservation of open space but questions if this is the best use of CPA funds.  He questions the value of the land to be protected.  JS believe the project has merit because of the bike path and the potential income from the building lots.  However, he is concerned about the unknown associated with purchasing this land.  OW supports the project because it is a solid block of open space to be preserved.  JJ is concerned that this is not a prime piece of real estate and questioned the $565,000 asking price.  MS noted the property has been on the market for a long time and questioned if the town really needs to purchase this property.

There was a great deal of debate on the value of the Baczek property.  Members are aware that town residents would like to see an open space purchase project; however, they are concerned that this is not the right parcel.  It might be wise to save CPA funds for a better land purchase project.  

FK said he sees this as a good project for the town.  The Town Manager is looking for other sources of funding for this project.  He noted that if the town cannot secure other sources of funding the project will not come to fruition.  On the other hand, if the town does secure other funds the town will have preserved a large open area for $100,000.  

Overall the members support using CPA money to purchase open space.  Some favor full funding and others favor no funding.  At this point there is not a consensus on funding for this project.

RS retuned to the meeting.  

RS distributed a FY10 budget.  Members ranked the projects as follows:

1.  Library Debt Service                                $138,000
2.  5% Administration Allocation                        $  20,625
3.  Lenox Housing Authority                     $  15,000
4.  Historic Plaques for town and
     Non-profit buildings                               $ to be determined
5.  CDC Southern Berkshire - Saw Mill Brook     $110,000
6.  Ventfort Hall                                       $  20,000
7.  Baczek Property                                     $100,000
8.  Library Association – Reading Park          $  75,000

The Public Hearing is next week – February 23rd at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM

Respectfully Submitted
Mary Albertson, Town Planner

Approved:  2/23/2009